Mohammad Ishtiaque Rahman –
Information Systems Ph.D. candidate at UMBC

I am a Ph.D. candidate in Information Systems with 4+ years of research experience in Health Informatics. My research areas involve healthcare information systems, data quality, data analytics, and software development life-cycle. I have more than three years of experience in analyzing healthcare data, i.e., Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) data, All Payers Claims data (APCD), Home Health Compare (HHC) data, etc. As a researcher with a healthcare focus, I am used to dealing with large scale data-sets. I have also participated in the development project of several software tools used by federal health administration agencies.


Research Assistant and Lab Coordinator

Health IT Lab @ UMBC

June 2018 - May 2022

  • Coordinated a team of four research assistants, three professional programmers, and multiple interns

  • Managed development projects of two desktop applications and two web systems

  • Designed the database architecture and maintained them for one desktop and one web application. Developed migrations and applied if and when needed

  • Streamlined both manual and automated software tests. Recruited more than 50 test users. Identified and resolved more than 75 bugs across multiple software

  • Presented developed software in front of federal health administration agency professionals, i.e., Maryland Department of Health (MDH)

  • Conducted requirement analysis and software-usability feedback interviews with MDH and out-of-state health professionals

  • Maintained developers guide which ensured seamless transition of at least two programmers and multiple research assistants during the development cycle

Teaching Assistant

University of Maryland- Baltimore County

August 2019 - December 2021


  • IS 425 Decision Support System

  • IS 450/650 Data Communications and Networks

  • IS 607 Introduction to Information Systems

  • IS 679 Social Media Application and Analytics

Research Intern

Access to Information (A2I), BBS, Dhaka, Bangladesh

January 2016 - June 2016

  • Analyzed the data on E-health adoption in Rangpur district (located in northern Bangladesh) in 2015, collected by the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics

  • Identified the E-health adoption status and derived potential improvement suggestions based on the analyzed data


University of Maryland, Baltimore County

Ph.D. in Information Systems 2018 - 2023

University of Dhaka

Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Management Information Systems 2016 - 2017

University of Maryland, Baltimore County

MS in Information Systems 2018 - 2021

University of Dhaka

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Management Information Systems 2012 - 2015


Project Management

Coordinated a team of four research assistants, three professional programmers, and multiple interns. Managed development of multiple desktop and web systems.


Worked as a teaching assistant at UMBC for 2.5 years. Instructed Tableau, WEKA, and LightSide to more than 100 students.

Public Speaking

Presented developed software in front of federal health administration agency professionals, i.e., Maryland Department of Health (MDH). Also, presented in multiple conferences and workshops, i.e., AMIA, MNCHA, etc.


Conducted multiple interviews with top-level healthcare professionals and government administrators. Worked as the point of contact to more than 10 interns over 3 years at Health IT Lab @UMBC.
  • Languages: Python, Tcl/Tk, R, SQL, PL/SQL

  • Web Frameworks: Django, Flask

  • Tools: Docker, GIT, VFS

  • Databases: Postgres, MySQL, Oracle, SQLite


  • Platforms: Linux, Windows, Oracle Cloud

  • Statistical Tools: R Studio, IBM SPSS, WEKA

  • Documentation: LaTex & BibTex

  • Visualization/Dashboard: Tableau, Apache Superset


  • Koru, G., Yerram, S., and Rahman, A. (2021), A Public Repository to Mobilize Computable Biomedical Knowledge Artifacts. Mobilizing Computable Biomedical Knowledge. Wiley Online Library, 6(e10300)

  • Rahman, A., Emdad, F., and Koru, G., (2020). Development and Evaluation of the Data Quality Toolkit: Toward Collaborative Improvement of Data Quality in Healthcare Organizations. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium.

  • Zhang, Y, Rahman, A., and Koru, G., (2020). Characterization of US Home Health Agencies with Respect to Utilization Outcomes, International Conference on Home Healthcare, Hospice and Information Technology, Virtual Conference 2020.

  • Rahman, A., Emdad, F., and Koru, G., (2019). Development and Usability Evaluation of a Software Toolkit to Support Continuous Quality Improvement in Home Health Agencies, International Conference on Home Healthcare, Hospice and Information Technology, Seattle 2019.

  • Rahman, A., Emdad, F., and Koru, G., (2019). Addressing the Pressing Home Care Coordination Challenges and Opportunities: A Systematic Review. American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Annual Symposium, Washington DC, 2019.


Home care Quality Toolkit (HCQT)

A desktop application to summarize, visualize and compare the performance of Home Health Agencies (HHAs) using the Home Health Compare (HHC) data. Tech used: Tcl/Tk, Python, Gnuplot, SQlite

Data Quality Toolkit

A toolkit developed for and funded by the Maryland Department of Health to identify and resolve MMIS data defects. Tech used: Tcl/Tk, C++, Python, Gnuplot, SQlite

Transition Plan of a Federal System

A complete plan for transitioning of a federal (Maryland) web system from one staging to another. The plan included: hardware update requirements, code re-factoring requirements, and the cost estimation.


A public repository for publishing computable biomedical knowledge artifacts (CBKs) to make making them findable, universally accessible, highly inter-operable, and readily reusable. Tech used: HTML, CSS, Jquery, Postgres, Rest API


President’s Scout Award


Received from His Excellency the honorable President of Bangladesh for individual achievements as a scouter.

Shapla Cub Award


Received from the honorable Prime Minister of Bangladesh for individual achievements as a cub scouter.




ITE 446

Information Technology / Engineering Building,

1000 Hilltop Rd, Baltimore, MD 21250


I am currently working from home.

Please contact me via email.

Let’s get in touch.